About Me

Hello, my name is Frederick Patterson Jr. I am a physical education major, this is now my junior year here at South Alabama. I have a associate degree from Bishop State Community College in Computer Information Systems. I'm a full-time employee at Wal-mart off of the beltline better known as the ghetto wal-mart. I have a desire of sports and helping kids accomplish their goals. As a result of playing sports I have learned how to become a team leader and team player.

Unhealthy Students Guidelines

My future is to become a physical education teacher do to my love of sports. I also want to become a physical education teacher because I love children. As a coach or PE teacher I want my students to be healthy. In order to teach students ,I believe in the physical dimensions because they were extremely helpful to me as a athlete in school. However, social and emotional support can affect health nearly as much as exercise and nutrition as well. These six dimensions of wellness can help them gradually become more healthy. I can use the physical, social, intellectual, emotional, environmental, and spiritual dimension to educate students for these healthy guidelines. By following these healthy guidelines can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases along with diabetes. Obesity is also a big factor in today school systems. The svhool systme can benefit from these six dimensions also.

WHY Teach???

I believe in receiving knowledge and passing it on to the next generation. A reason to teach is that I wanted to make difference in the school system with young adults who are going through difficult situations and think nobody cares. Those that think giving up is the only way out when it seems that everybody has giving up on you. Since I come from a community where there is no help unless you are a 4.0 student or star athlete, I know what it takes to achieve goal. I definitely wasn't a 4.0 student nor a blue chipper athlete. This encouraged me to teach to all kids and to spread my knowledge of believing in God and never give up because anythings possible. There are many teachers who don't care whether you came to school or not and I do not think children should experience that.

My Teaching Philosophy

Every student of any race,disability, or differential have the right to learn. Student should be taught with desire and motivation of success to obtain the positive goal that they each desire. Teaching should not be for the check, but from heart to help steer on of God's children in a positive direction. Teaching requires plenty of patience, because every person learns different, it's not something that you role out the bed to do. Being a good role model for kids is a good example, because some kids are less fortunate than others to have someone in their life who actually care of what decisions they make to effect them.

I Love Google!!

When I was introduce to Google by Dr. Strange again during this 09 fall semester I was expecting just a simple Google search, but it does much more. However, I was blown away by all the things you can do with Google docs in our email he introduced our class to. My first thought hoping that I don't have to spend any extra money for this class and we he that all these capabilities that we used from Google was free made my day. Google docs is a good tech learning tool for students, because some kids are not fortunate to be able to have Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint(really expensive). Google docs enables you to do slide shows, type papers, and surveys all for free and this can save a lot of kids from not doing their work, because of not being able to afford it. By me being a PE teacher I probably will not get a chance to show my technical knowledge of Google to my students.

Technology Literate is Needed

When I was in grade school many different teaching tools wasn't use that much from teachers, pretty much all we had was a library with books not no big variety of cites from the internet. So, teachers were not required to know so much about computers and other new technical teaching techniques used in the school system now. Now as kids are growing up they are introduced at different things at a younger age and we have to be able to answer their questions, because gaining technology sense is the key to being successful in this world today.

Good Listener = Good Teacher

A bad teacher in my opinion is someone who thinks they know it all and have too much knowledge. A good teacher accepts when their wrong, who can take criticism very well and that equals being a very good listener. Dr. Strange has taught us in EDM 310 Micro-computing that it's nothing wrong with making mistakes, he teaches us to research information and become listeners. There is always going be extra room in your brain for more knowledge. While technology is upgrading everyday by the minute the information is available for teachers to become even better teachers.